Thursday, February 25, 2010


The last of the light is switched off. The air is still. The clock still ticks away every second.

Tick, tock.

How long have you been silenced?

You have been abandoned by your human, and all you can do is stand and wait.

(Like a fool.)

You long for your voice to be heard, yet you cannot do it by yourself.

(I am nothing without you, my love.)

You feel rotten, rotten like an apple infected by greedy worms.

The dust that is lightly covering your body has been your faithful blanket during the cold, rainy nights and warm, sunny afternoons, keeping you warm on the outside but unable to chase away the dreary winter on the inside.

“You still there, Dust?”


And you sigh.

You wait patiently for your human’s gentle, seductive touch on the most beautiful part of your body, but it only remains as a strong, unfulfilled desire.

You often think of the recent past, where your human would touch you everyday; and the slender fingers will move sometimes swiftly, sometimes slowly caressing; at times strong, other times soft like feather falling from the sky, for hours.

You were always craving for your human; your human was always hungry for you.

Both your and your human’s desires were insatiable, like dark bottomless pits…

(Is it a sin to have overflowing desire?)

Falling, deeply.


The first ray of dusk lands on you.

“You still there, Dust?”


And you sigh.

22/12/08 Tues